
Griffin's volume-limiting MyPhones can't crank to 11... or 8

Griffin Technology's MyPhones are far from being the first cans on the market with volume limiting tech built-in, but unlike some parent-friendly options, these can never, ever be cranked to levels appropriate for ear bashing. You see, rather than giving adults (you know, those Earthlings that are already hard of hearing) the chance to set the limit too high for their offspring, Griffin has implemented an "always-on sound-control circuit to cap peak volume levels at 85 decibels." That's the maximum level recommended by many auditory health organizations, and if you don't like it, tough noogies. But we mean, just look at those two kiddos above -- don't they just look elated? Kidz Bop 14 at barely-audible levels tends to have that effect, or so we hear.

[Via Macworld]