
One Shots: Come to the dark side

With an in-depth character creator and the ability to group up with friends quickly and easily, it's kind of a no-brainer that Champions Online was one of our staff favorites for Best Capacity for Role-Play in the 2009 Massively awards. Of course, being based on an excellent pen & paper background certainly doesn't hurt as well! Today's great Champions OnlineOne Shots comes to us from Steve B. who writes in: This is [a] shot of my Hero Kurotsuchi sitting in Shadow Destroyer's throne after completing the new Nemesis Confrontation content that launched [recently]. Maybe he's thinking of taking his place?

If you're a role-player in an MMO, we'd love to hear about your recent adventures. Just snag a screenshot relevant to your tale and send that in to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name and your story. We'll post it out here for everyone to enjoy and give you the credit.