
One Shots: Pleasure seeker

While some may be heading for the final frontier in Star Trek Online today, many others are immersed in the space of EVE Online. However, it's not only fighting, mining, or bargaining in New Eden as one might think. Today's One Shots gives us an idea of what one might do for a little rest and relaxation. It was sent in to us by a pilot who only identified themself as "Jambo" and was received along with the following note: After a long day of running missions even the most moral pilots have to unwind. This raises an interesting question of what these places will be like when the Incarna expansion goes live.

MMOs from large to small, we love to hear about them all! All you need to do to have your adventures featured here one Massively is to send us a screenshot to oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a quick description. We'll post it out here and give you the thanks for sending it in!