
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY edition outed by BBFC listing

A BBFC classification for a "Game of the Year" edition of Batman: Arkham Asylum has popped up online, causing quite a stir here at Joystiq HQ. While we all agree that Batman was "a game of the year," the listing offers no clues as to what would be included in a GOTY package. So, allow us to activate detective mode:

First, there are the two DLC packs for the game to consider: the "Insane Night" Map Pack (free for everyone) and "Prey In The Darkness," available on PS3 in the US and on both PS3 and Xbox 360 in Europe. Also, those who pre-ordered the original release from GameStop received access to the challenge map "Dem Bones," while those that snagged the fancy Collector's Edition got their own unique challenge map in "Crime Alley" -- both could certainly be included in a special edition re-release. Considering all the DLC out there (but c'mon, we want more Rocksteady!), there's a valid GOTY edition in the making here. And how about a batarang upgrade, too? (That cheap plastic one just didn't cut it.)

We've turned on our 'stiq signal in the hopes of attracting Warner Bros., Eidos and Rocksteady for clarification. We'll let you know just as soon as they show up on our rooftop.

[Thanks, C.A.]