
Dungeon Fighter Online raises the Threshold of Power

Threshold of Power, the newest addition to Nexon's Dungeon Fighter Online has been released. This game update gives players a wealth of new areas to check out, and raises the game's level cap to 50. Of course, no fighting-style game would be complete without a variety of new moves, either. Add to that the 2x experience and item drops going on this weekend, and you can see why now is a good time to check out Dungeon Fighter Online if you're at all intrigued by the idea of an MMO based on old-school arcade fighting games.

Thankfully, Nexon has sent out a video that shows off all the shiny new attacks off for those of us who aren't level 50. With moves as varied as giant energy dragons, on down to a very funny attack called 'Neil, the Sniper,' the video we've embedded for you behind the break is chock full of funky Dungeon Fighter Online craziness. We've also managed to make off with a bunch of screenshots showcasing the new areas and attacks from Threshold of Power, so be sure to check it out!