
CCP Releases February CSM Minutes

EVE Online developer Xhagen, commenting on the EVE Insider Dev Blog last night, has released the minutes for the February 18 - 20 Council of Stellar Management summit, calling it "the best summit so far."

Player response to the summit was equally positive, with CSM attendee Tim "Sokratesz" commenting "I was very skeptical initially, but the trip has convinced me that CCP has an active interest in the playerbase and is willing to listen. One of the best moments for me was when Noah [CCP Hammer] grabbed a pen to take notes during a heated debate between council members.''

A lengthy summary document details the various discussions between developers and player-elected Council representatives during the three day event held late last month in Iceland.

Included in the seventeen page report are discussions regarding the Alliance Tournament, EVE Gate social networking, ongoing account security and customer support issues, and proposed economic regulations.

You can read the full dev blog by clicking here.