
Xsyon lead developer talks release plans

Notorious Games founder and Xsyon lead developer Jordi Grau Davis has responded to community questions with a lengthy forum post on the game's official boards. The unveiling of this forthcoming post-apocalyptic MMORPG caught many of us by surprise last month, given the extensive sandbox feature set and the rapidly approaching release date.

Davis writes that development and testing are preceding as planned, and that pre-order players will be let into the game in groups of 20-50 as the programming team finishes up various outstanding issues including Speed Tree implementation, terrain optimization, combat tweaks based on forum feedback, and a number of other items.

Davis also touches on the planned user load for Xsyon. "What are the numbers we are looking for? I'm guessing about 500 before April 15th [release day], building slowly to around 5000 active players by the end of summer," he writes.

[Thanks Chris!]