
One Shots: Deadly beauty

When it comes to RvR, one might expect to see dark, bloody battlefields littered with the mangled corpses of myriad slain enemies. That's why we were surprised to get such a lovely shot as this Warhammer Online one from Tristy of the Karak Norn server, who said only that it's of "an RvR lake." While Tristy didn't give us specifics of where precisely this area is in game, general staff consensus was that this looks like Eataine, land of the Elves. In either case, it's certainly a very unexpected, lovely land in which to put the smack down on one's enemies. If you have any details on just precisely where in Warhammer Online this particular RvR lake is, feel free to note it in the comments below!

If you've found a surprising area in your favorite MMO, we'd love to see it. Just email that screenshot in to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a brief description. Please make sure the image is at least 1024px wide, and turn off the UI. We'll post it out here and give you the credit for sending it in!