
Rogers, O2 tease iPad data plans

On the heels of international shipping delays, carriers from the UK and Canada have released terse confirmation that they will be offering iPad data plans by "...the end of May."

Rogers senior director of social media, Keith McArthur, wrote on the company's blog, "Rogers today announced that it will offer iPad price plans for all models from the end of May in Canada. We will share more details soon."

Likewise, the UK's O2 carrier has released a tease which reads, "O2 today announced that it will offer dedicated iPad price plans for all models from the end of May in the UK." Again, no details were offered.

What the Rogers post omits (other than, well, everything) is what many Canadians are anxious to learn: Will tethering be available with 3G models? Rogers offers free tethering to iPhone customers who subscribe to a data plan of 1 GB and above, something their southern neighbors can't do without jailbreaking.

Now, the waiting game begins continues.