
Phat Loot Phriday: Drake Talon Cleaver

"I can't believe I lost," Lolegolas said. He dropped onto the sofa with a palpable growl. "I thought for sure I had it locked up. I mean, do you see this hair? This bone structure? I've been doing DPS90X for a year now!"

Throgg could only dully nod. "I thought for sure Exarch Rossi would judge you the finest model in Azeroth."

"I know, right?" Lolegolas pulled back a sleeve to show his magnificent, flexing bicep. "I mean, what does a stupid old axe have over me?"

"Well," Throgg carefully ventured. "Its proc is pretty sweet."

"I'm sweet!" Lolegolas exclaimed balefully. "Sweet like ice wine! Sweet like the first kiss of autumn, that's me!"

"I know. And, well, the Drake Talon Cleaver is kind of a limited time thing," Throgg said. "With the world ending and all, maybe the Exarch wanted to acknowledge something old."

Lolegolas tried not to pout. "I guess."

"Yes," Throgg agreed. "According to Exarch Rossi, the Drake Talon Cleaver is the best model in Azeroth."

Drake Talon Cleaver

  • Type Two-Handed Axe

  • Damage 199 - 300 (73.4 damage per second)

  • Speed 3.40

  • 22 Strength

  • 17 Stamina

  • Chance on hit Delivers a fatal wound for 240 damage

How to get it It drops from three bosses in the Blackwing Lair. Go get them!

How to get rid of it It sells for 10 gold, 52 silver, and 6 copper.


Phat Loot Phriday brings you the scoop on some of the most ... interesting ... loot in the World of Warcraft, often viewed through the eyes of the stalwart Throgg and indelible Lolegolas. Suggest items you think we should feature by emailing