
Japanese hardware sales, Jan. 18 - Jan. 24: Behind the Scenes edition

A chronological account of how this post was written:

2:35 p.m.: Accessed Media Create's latest sales ranking.
2:36 p.m.: Copied new Media Create data into specially-formatted Excel spreadsheet.
2:38 p.m.: Copied spreadsheet calculations into Joystiq post.
2:41 p.m.: Realized that every console's sales decreased substantially for the second week in a row.
2:42 p.m.: Realized that almost all the software sales rankings stayed the same as well.
2:44 p.m.: Tried to think of a theme for the Japanese hardware sales post.
3:12 p.m.: Briefly considered copying and pasting last week's sales post.
3:40 p.m.: Took a brief Mass Effect 2 break.
11:21 p.m.: Realized, with a start, that Japanese sales post was supposed to go live in nine minutes.
11:22 p.m.: Came up with "Behind the Scenes" format.
11:28 p.m.: Failed to come up with an appropriate image for the post.
11:29 p.m.: Hurriedly decided to just use a picture of Alf, because, hey, Alf rules.

- PSP: 52,909

18,277 (25.67%)
- Wii: 45,167

12,182 (21.24%)
- PS3: 26,966

8,190 (23.30%)
- DSi LL: 24,059

6,359 (20.91%)
- DSi: 20,373

6,919 (25.35%)
- DS Lite: 4,966

1,608 (24.46%)
- Xbox 360: 3,343

1,279 (27.67%)
- PS2: 2,088

492 (19.07%)
- PSP Go: 1,773

254 (12.53%)

[Source: Media Create]

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