
Macworld 2010: MyFrogz cases, designed by an iPhone app

There were a lot of case vendors and manufacturers at Macworld, and we didn't have time to run around and talk to all of them (not to mention that most of them aren't all that interesting anyway). But we did make a stop by the iFrogz booth, because we'd heard about something interesting they're doing with their customizable MyFrogz iPhone cases. Theirs is the first case that you can completely customize with an actual iPhone app. To start, you go into an AT&T store (the deal is an exclusive there, but only for a little while longer), and buy a card with a code on it for US$39.99, which comes with just a plain clear case. With that code, you can then go onto the MyFrogz iPhone app, and design your own case in terms of top and bottom colors out of 100,000 combinations. Finally, you enter your information into the app, along with the code from the store, and iFrogz will send you your customized case.

Obviously, the process isn't exactly instant (and to be honest, the case isn't anything special). But the idea is very interesting -- they're using an iPhone app to conduct business that might be done more traditionally elsewhere. When the iPhone was first introduced, we heard all about Starbucks using it to order coffee, or Barnes and Noble using software to let you order books in-store. But we haven't seen much of that innovation at all, so it was surprising to find it (even in an imperfect form) in the iFrogz booth.