
News Corp developing a tablet-exclusive publication

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Reuters is reporting

that News Corp, the world's third-largest media conglomerate, has confirmed they will be releasing a news publication developed specifically for tablet computers like the iPad. "It's a tablet-only product and it's very exciting," says James Murdoch, Chairman and Chief Executive, who was speaking to journalists at a conference in Spain. "You'll hear more about that soon." Companies are looking for ways to capitalize on user demand for instantaneous, real-time news as the newspaper industry falters, and one way to do so is to develop apps and publications that customers are willing to pay for.

With millions of iPads sold by Apple this year and major companies like RIM now selling their own tablet computers, media companies are beginning to see the multi-touch tablet format as something they should be investing in for their own products. By creating tablet-specific publications, News Corp -- which owns hundreds of different media outlets around the world -- could potentially find a new source of income from customers still willing to pay for their news.