
One Shots: So much for that idea

Don't you hate it when you get all the elements of a screenshot just right and someone comes along and jumps into the frame? Worse still -- if you've composed your scenic shot with an outfit to match, and a nearby NPC chooses the exact moment you snap your screenshot to jump you? Well, if you're Darkorchid in Runes of Magic, you know this too well -- as today's One Shots proves! Apparently she was unsuccessfully trying to capture an image for us when this pesky fellow decided to ruin everything. We'll let Darkorchid explain: "I was in Dragonfang Ridge, trying to get a screenie of my gear and pet. Apparently, the Gnoll on the right thought this was a good time to photobomb me. Is it any wonder nobody likes them?"

Have an MMO screenshot that was photobombed in a funny way? Care to share your story? If so, grab that screenshot and email it to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing in the image. We'll post it out here for everyone to enjoy and give you the credit for sending it in.