
Mac App Store highlights "apps for the creative home"

Apple has set up its first highlighted section for the Mac App Store, in which it displays "apps for the creative home." There are five apps featured in each of four categories (covering things from design to music and photography), and there are some good picks in there, from Apple's own apps to TUAW favorites like Pixelmator, djay and a few others.

To be honest, while apps getting featured tends to be good for developers and customers, the display section looks a little sparse. With only five apps per category, that leaves three spaces open on each, and it certainly looks (though of course this is just an assumption) like Apple had trouble finding enough quality apps to fill the space. Not to mention that we're seeing repeats already -- many of these apps have already been featured.

For whatever reason (app prices, difficulty in development, customer usage habits), I'd suggest that the Mac App Store isn't taking off quite as meteorically as the iOS store did for both the iPhone and the iPad. Obviously things are growing over there, and we've seen some very impressive numbers already. But it looks like the curve will be a little less steep for the Mac App Store.