
One Shots: Beloved rainbow

In all the time I've written One Shots here on Massively, one of the many things that seems to make Lord of the Rings Online players want to stop and snap screenshots for us is this particular rainbow. While seeing a rainbow at night is possible, it is incredibly rare. When it comes to MMOs, it's even rarer still. Nonetheless, it's always great to see that this beautiful night sight is still out there, lighting the way for yet another traveler in Middle-earth. Today's darkly quiet image comes to us from Sire Angelus, who writes: "This is a screenshot of my Dwarf Guardian in Lord of the Rings Online; it was taken while he was questing in Eregion. I assume a rainbow at night is a graphical glitch of some kind, but it was an awfully pretty one."

Next week we'll be introducing theme weeks to One Shots, kicking things off in the most logical place: starting zones! If you'd like to help us out with One Shots, then send a screenshot of what you think is the best starting zone in any game to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll post it out here for everyone to enjoy and give you the thanks!