
Temkin Group study finds satisfied Mac users

Apple has topped the charts in another customer satisfaction survey, this time from the Temkin Group. That company studied 842 recent PC buyers, and found that Apple won across all of five categories versus PC brands like Dell and HP. From information pre-purchase to setup, customer service and overall satisfaction with the computer in general, Apple led the way, as you can see in the chart above.

The largest difference in the two types of computers was in the area of customer service, where Apple shined with over ten percentage points more than its competitors. Buying a computer directly from a manufacturer scored high across the board, and of course Apple is the king of those sales.

And perhaps most telling, Temkin found that Apple's high scores were transmitted by word of mouth quite a bit -- when people have a good experience with an Apple computer, they tend to tell their friends and family much more than other brands. That's indicative, we'd suppose, of both Apple's quality, and the power of its brand in general.