
One Shots: All that's missing is a drink with a little umbrella in it

One Shots Eden Eternal screenshot

Eden Eternal got a huge content update earlier this month, and fans have been enjoying the increased level cap, new dungeons, new zones, and more. Massively reader Benjamin took a minute to get a snapshot of one of the new zones for One Shots:

This is a screenshot I took of the new zone Delphi Forest in Eden Eternal. I find the graphics themselves aren't technically impressive, but the developers have managed to create a unique and colourful atmosphere with what they have. There are also nice touches like butterflies and glowing spores flying around. Those things, combined with an impressive day/night cycle, give this game's environments a really magical feel.

We're looking at the best MMO environments all this week. Do you have a favorite landscape, particularly eye-catching weather effect, or hidden jewel in an out-of-the-way location? Snap a screenshot of your favorite MMO area, tell us a bit about what and where it is, and send it to

Next week we'll be revisiting another old favorite of One Shots: bug week. Whether it's unwanted guests in cutscenes, funny graphic glitches, or a prank you played on a buddy, we want to see. Send your screenshots in and we'll feature them in next week's One Shots!