
Sunday Morning Funnies: Just kickin' it

Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics.

Are you interested in learning how some of these comics are made? In last week's comments section, a few of the comic artists discuss the tools they use to create their comics and offer some advice to anyone looking to create their own comic.

Congratulations goes out to Harvoc, who answered five out of seven of the trivia questions correctly; Kurtis, who figured out one of the two that Harvoc missed; and Arachynne, for answering six out of seven correctly. No one even attempted the last question, which was a bit of a trick question, as there was no wrong answer except, well, no answer. You each win an imaginary talking flying squirrel pendant; chain not included. I shall keep the totally awesome epic mystery prize that you can bet would have been better than the pendant, as it was reserved for those who got seven of seven. Poor you!

Finally, you guys should really keep up with the NPC hilarious and painfully adorable storyline. None of the three are WoW-related enough for me to link individually, but the overarching storyline itself is.

As for this week's questions:

  1. Which comic delves into Peon logic?

  2. Which comic has characters planning a diplomatic challenge?

  3. Her papa was which race?

  4. Where are the jack-o'-lanterns?

  5. Who has been kidnapped and then totally not lost?
