
PSA: PAX Prime passes dwindling, only Friday and Sunday tickets left

PAX Prime 2011 organizers announced earlier today through Twitter that there were only 400 passes left for Friday access to the event. The 3-day and Saturday passes have already been tapped, while "a battery" of Sunday passes are still available -- the remaining one-day passes ($35 apiece) must be purchased through the official PAX site.

Penny Arcade marketing maestro Robert Khoo tells us that they've been given the green light to sell about 10 percent more badges than in prior years. It would appear that PAX East, despite welcoming 69,500 attendees in March, did not diminish interest in the Seattle show. At the current rate of ticket sales, the organizers guesstimate that PAX Prime passes will be completely sold out three months before the August 26–28 event takes place.