
One Shots: Lone wolf

One Shots

Long-time Massively follower but first-time One Shots contributor Ilix sent along today's highlighted screenshot of Fallen Earth, which we think is quite timely, given the PvP revamp soon headed to everyone's favorite post-apocalyptic sandbox. He writes in,

Fallen Earth is my top hard-RP MMO. Ilix, after three decades of isolation, attempted to fit in with a player-run town. But he was too rough-edged, too guarded, and still isolated in his mind, and he could not find joy among others. After several days trying to force himself back into what remains of humanity in the blasted terrain of the apocalypse, he admitted to himself that he could never return because he was too quick to anger, and he wandered off back into the desert. Irradiated scorpions haunt the land he wandered into, so he finds rest on the blade of a ruined helicopter's rotor, just out of reach of stingers. This shot defines the dual beauty and harshness of the life he resigns himself to.

Ilix's gorgeous sunset is tucked behind the break along with two other One Shots shots!

Fallen Earth by Ilix

A fellow by the name of Silverfox deposited this sunbeamy screenshot of TERA in our mailbox. "It shows off the majestic serenity of the Island of Dawn," he says, "and thanks for bringing One Shots back!" You're welcome, Silverfox. Now send more pics!

TERA by Silverfox

Finally, a reader named Calen responded to our call for Diablo III screenshots with this pair of images. Hey, at least he could log in, right? I gotta say, the second one really resonates with me.

Diablo III by Calen
Diablo III by Calen

That's all for this week, gang. Keep those screenshots coming. Feed the One Shots monster!

Want to be featured in a future edition of One Shots? Send your favorite MMO screenshots to, and don't forget to include your name, the name of the game, and a description of the scene. Large, colorful, UI-free shots that tell a story and really show off the game make for the best images. Look ma, we brought back One Shots!