
Where in Warcraft? The inaugural bird edition

Trial Where in Warcraft

Welcome to the inaugural Where in Warcraft! What's Where in Warcraft? Well, it's a game we thought you might like to join us in playing. Every week, we'll be putting up an image just like this one in the header, and all we want you to tell us is where we were when we took the shot.

Like Blizzard, we love to get you out in the world. There are so many fun landmarks and hidden treasures in Azeroth, just waiting to be discovered. Maybe you've been to this particular one already or know its location.

If so, pop a comment in below. The first person to suggest the correct location will get all the credit they're due, fame and glory, and their name in print (so you can tell Mom and Dad, "Hey, look! A site published the name of my character I play in that computer game where I slay purple and black internet dragons every night from 8 to 11!").

Tip us off. And if you've found a fabulously quirky landmark, hidden treasure, or special hideaway somewhere in Azeroth, drop me a line at with your screenshot. You could be featured in a future edition!

So, where is the little shaman hanging out with this unusual sculpture? It looks like an owl on a hat, right? It's a touch Harry Potter ...