
Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition due out November 28 (mostly)

We've heard before about Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, that slightly upgraded remake of the original great Bioware RPG that's coming soon to the iPad. This version is being put together by Beamdog, and creative director Trent Oster has tweeted that the game will finally arrive on (or at least around) November 28 later on this month. I say "around" because Oster hedges his bets on exactly when Apple's review process will allow the game through on iOS, so it might be a few days after the 28th. But suffice it to say that we're less than a month away from playing the original Baldur's Gate on the iPad.

I got to see the game in action a little while ago at PAX, and I can tell you that it is indeed Baldur's Gate running on Apple's tablet. There is new content, and there are definitely some tweaks and improvements, but for the most part, it's the game you'll remember. Some new users may be turned off a bit from the title, just because it does stick to the original's complexity, and the touch interface translated to a game that's really best driven with a mouse and keyboard can be a little confusing. But Beamdog has made the decision to stick with the original game rather than updating it for the touchscreens too much, and that means that old school Bioware fans will probably be pleased. We'll look for the game on the App Store later on this month.

[via Joystiq]