
Scuttlebutt: iOS 7 development behind schedule

Apple is expected to unveil iOS 7 at WWDC this year, and anticipation is high for the next version of Apple's mobile OS. With the departure of former iOS chief Scott Forstall and the transition of iOS into the hands of Jony Ive, everyone is excited by the potential changes that may be in store for iPhone and iPad owners.

In a recent conversation on Branch, John Gruber of Daring Fireball claims that "iOS 7 is running behind, and engineers have been pulled from OS X 10.9 to work on it." Clayton Morris of FOX News adds that he has also heard from engineers who were moved from "non-profit generating projects" to high-priority software projects.

Part of the reason for this scramble with iOS is allegedly a "system-wide UI overhaul" that Gruber says has prompted engineers to put polarizing filters on their iPhone displays so other people can't see what they are developing. Rene Ritchie corroborates what Gruber has heard and adds that "Ive's work is apparently making many people really happy, but will also apparently make rich-texture-loving designers sad."

There are also some rumblings about an April or May event to announce a new iPad. Supposedly, this tablet event will be distinct from WWDC, which will focus on iOS 7. The launch window for the next iPhone also is still up in the air with dates of July and August being tossed around.

[Via Daring Fireball]