
Photojojo takes iPhone photography old school with the Viewfinder

Photojojo is one of our favorite spots to pick up useful and sometimes wacky accessories for iPhone photography, so whenever I see an email from the company it's the first one that gets opened. Today's mailing brought news that should bring a smile to DSLR owners who prefer using their camera viewfinder to that annoying screen on the back -- it's the iPhone Viewfinder (US$30).

The purpose of this little accessory is to make it much easier to frame your iPhone photos when it's extremely bright out. Working in concert with the free Daylight Viewfinder app, the iPhone Viewfinder sticks to your iPhone screen with suction. You then extend the viewfinder, put the eyecup up to your eye and shoot away.

While you may be subject to hoots of derision from your friends when you use the iPhone Viewfinder, you'll have the last laugh with your perfectly composed award-winning images.

Photojojo takes iPhone photography old school with the Viewfinder