
WRUP: You're doing it wrong


Welcome back to Massively's What Are You Playing, the game where we tell you what we're playing this weekend and you tell us how we're doing it wrong. This week, we're bidding a fond farewell to some (but not all!) legendary Massively staffers thanks to budget cuts across the AOL Tech and Joystiq networks, so today's WRUP will celebrate the Massively crew, past and present. Clanket sold separately.

Bree Royce, Editor-in-Chief

@nbrianna: With luck, I'll get another chance to dip into The Elder Scrolls Online this weekend, but I need to pop into Guild Wars 2 and do some dailies too. Did I mention I rerolled my Charr Guardian as an Asura? Did I mention how freaking adorable an Asura with a greatsword is? If not, I hereby do so.

Tina Lauro, Columnist

@PurpleTinabeans: I'll be taking a break from MMOs this weekend, with the exception of the ESO beta. I just reinstalled The Sims 3, my biggest Achilles' heel and my favourite guilty pleasure. The Sims franchise is my quick-fix therapy for any kind of sadness or glumness, so it is perfect for this weekend. Bad break up? No problem: Simply create your ex in a wonderful virtual world and turn that fat slider right up while you move them into a hovel! See how this works for me? I have a problem...

Eliot Lefebvre, Senior Contributing Editor

@Eliot_Lefebvre: Aside from working on a project that I'm not ready to talk about yet (but may be of interest to people here, so watch this space), I'm going to be cleaning up the last bit of my Myth cap in Final Fantasy XIV. I'm also going to be working my way through some games that I've had on Steam for a long while but still haven't actually played.

Jasmine Hruschak, Contributing Streamer

@irljasmine: No matter what my future holds, I'll still be playing every single MMORPG I can get my hands on. Which, this weekend, means prancing through ESO's beta event, snatching up mythology tomes in Final Fantasy XIV, and speeding through instant adventures in RIFT. And maybe, just maybe, it means one day hitting max level in Guild Wars 2.

Justin Olivetti, Senior Contributing Editor

@Sypster: I'm going to buckle down and finish up the Helm's Deep storyline on my Captain in Lord of the Rings Online, mostly because I'm excited about next month's Update 13 and want to be ready for it. Past that... Disco Zoo? You may knock it, but it has dancing unicorns! I also have the Mighty Quest for Epic Loot, Marvel Heroes, and Out There installed and begging for my attention.

Larry Everett, Columnist


Matthew Gollschewski, Columnist

@nonsensicles: Since I no longer have to play a different game each week, I'm gonna chill out in FFXIV, whether on my PC or testing on my PS4 or Vita. That is, unless I get the urge to play something else, just because I feel like it. In other news, I've heard back from the developers of City of Titans, and they seem to really like me. It's not a job, but it is worth my time and energy. Of course, it wouldn't hurt if I do eventually get a paying job from it, directly or not. Anyway, thanks Massively! I'm proud of my time here, and I'll still be around in the comments.

Mike Foster, Contributing Editor

@MikedotFoster: I'm driving to Texas! But if I get everything set up before the weekend ends, I'm storming through some Dota 2. Because Dota 2 is my jam, no matter the state.

MJ Guthrie, Contributing Editor

@MJ_Guthrie: Since I will apparently have oodles of extra time that I am not used to enjoying, I plan on partaking in The Elder Scrolls Online beta a bit. I will intersperse that with Flappy raids in The Secret World and more work on the Massively Golden Yacht in EverQuest Next Landmark. But topping all that, I intend to be brushing up on my Russian skills in a certain sandbox I've been eying for years now. Yes, I plan to see how much of the language I've forgotten as I dive into ArcheAge! I'd say more, but with the copious amounts of time I plan on throwing at these endeavors, there's none left over! I do, however, need to try and squeeze in enough time for a meal or two.

Patrick Mackey, Columnist

@mackeypb: Probably still going to be playing League of Legends. Just because I won't be writing about it on Massively doesn't mean I won't be writing about it elsewhere on some personal blog or something. I am probably going to start up some kind of stream project, though I might not be ready with it by the end of this weekend. Either way, I'll be around in some fashion for anyone who wants to keep reading. It was a good run, and hopefully things will pan out for the best for everyone.

Richie Procopio, Contributing Editor

@RichieProcopio: This weekend I'll be playing a mix of The Elder Scrolls Online and WildStar betas. Also, since my wife is out of town, my sons and I will be playing copious amounts of Minecraft. Heavens to Betsy, to Murgatroyd even. Exit stage left.

Terilynn Shull, Columnist

@terilynns: I'll be in my home away from home: Star Trek Online! I'll be reveling in my new storage space and will be leveling my new Romulan Science Officer to get her to Admiral so I can get her into the new Dyson Science Destoyer. I think this is my last note on the Massively site, and I just wanted to say thank you to everyone, readers and Massively cohorts alike, for all of your support and contributions to the discussions over the past few years. It's been a blast! Now, in the words of Captain Picard, "Five card stud, nothing wild, and the sky's the limit!" Au revoir!

At the start of every weekend, we catch up with the Massively staff members and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" (Otherwise known as: WRUP!) Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game -- and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too!