
Sunday Morning Funnies: Revisionists

Surviving Azeroth

Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics.

This week, in comics: Baking with vanilla is never as boring as it might sound. An assault is launched from a garrison. A negotiation devolves to threats. Finally: Afraid to sleep outside in the dark? No living reason you should be!

Well, folks, it's almost April Fool's Day, and this week, we have an extra special Gnomeregan Forever just for the holiday. It even features a guest appearance!

There's also a special edition of Away From Reality up this week, and I wouldn't miss it if I were you. It's excellent.

Fans of Gigz' Kitchen will want to make sure not to skip DLC this week, as well.

In sadder news, Surviving Azeroth Chapter 1 concludes this week! It will go on hiatus and we will be notified when Chapter 2 is afoot. Plus, Shields and Sheep was discontinued, sadly. Zuulzilla (the artist of both): Enjoy your break!

Finally, although there is no WoW-related NPC this week, I thought I would do a shout-out to Mary's Patreon page, in case anyone has missed it. The perks are great for even $1 monthly donors (sketches and behind-the-scenes content) and, you know, cats that play WoW.