
Sunday Morning Funnies: Better than gold

WoW, eh?

Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics.

This week, in comics: Sailor Moon (sort of)! Linola tries out a new companion. Tax season is afoot. Plus, there's a lucky worgen.

The comic news this week is light, as is typical of a week leading up to a holiday, let alone a week that included tax deadlines. There are a few notable absences, including Experience Boost and The Trolling of Azeroth. Contested Territory is scheduled to return to this list next week, however.

In the meantime, Gratz has posted an Easter comic. WoW, eh? is back with a new, not depressing, even kind of sparkly update! It's nice to see Cadi happy again. And although our list is a bit short this week, Trigonometry came through with two installments of the Trigonometry interview (on Gnomeregan Forever).

As always, we are accepting suggestions for inclusions on this list, as well as tips relating to WoW comics. If you have a tip, drop it into the comments section.

And of course, enjoy your holidays!

This week's WoW-related comics from around the web: