
The Queue: What a Drag

Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today.

Do you guys remember when the Drag in Orgrimmar used to be dark? I mean, there was a distinct delineation between the rest of bright and sun-baked Orgrimmar and the Drag. It was dark in there, and it didn't matter what time of day it happened to be. I miss that a lot -- it broke up what was otherwise a fairly monotonous red and orange color palette. I kind of wish it would come back again.

ElPrede asked:

Q4tQ: what is the one villain you would have rather seen as an ally? Either faction or neutral, doesn't matter

Fandral Staghelm. I think he still ranks highest on my list of "characters with fascinating back stories that could have been developed into so much more but I guess they needed to fill a raid boss quota." The guy had a ton of potential, particularly as a foil/counter-view for Tyrande, something that she just doesn't get with Malfurion at all.

Bhuta asked:

I haven't gotten to the pvp part in my legendary (quickly approaching)... but of all the crap you've got to do... I imagine winning two bgs has to be a minor annoyance compared to all the other grinds... or am I wrong?

I think there are two parts to this equation that drive people absolutely nuts. First, not everyone participates in PvP, because not everyone enjoys that particular style of content. For many players, that legendary cloak is being acquired for PvE purposes, so having to do a couple of battlegrounds to obtain an item for PvE seems wrong. Second and perhaps more importantly, with every other section of that quest chain, you are in control of how you get what you need. The only thing you're at the mercy of is how quickly the items drop, everything else is controlled by you. In a PvP battleground, you aren't the one in control -- it's you and however many other people are there in the battleground with you. It doesn't matter how well you play on a personal level, if the other players aren't pitching in and doing their share, you're going to lose.

That's incredibly frustrating, especially if you don't enjoy PvP to begin with. Luckily, this isn't something we're going to have to think about in Warlords -- the legendary quest has no PvP portion involved with it. Personally, I never really had a problem with the PvP portion of the quest chain -- I don't mind the occasional battleground -- but I can see why people were upset with it.

dethspec asked:

Q4TQ: Do you personally like the idea of Alliance and Horde working together (i.e. being in same guilds, doing dungeons/raids together)? I wouldn't expect Horde to be in Alliance cities and vis versa, but isn't it about time our characters can choose - themselves - to be "friendly" with opposite factions?

No. But I'm probably the wrong person to ask about that -- I like the flavor and lore of the game. To me, having the two factions work together in guilds or dungeons or raids would completely undermine one of those core story elements that the game was built around, the idea of two separate factions. Sure, come together under the Shattered Sun and keep Kil'jaeden from showing up, form a mass army to fight back the Aqir at the gates of Ahn'Qiraj, I mean that's fine. Unite for specific purposes. But guilds? Dungeons and raids? That's kind of crossing a line for me. Others probably feel differently, and I imagine it has a lot to do with whether you place more importance on gameplay mechanics, or the story behind the game.

opaque19 asked:

QFTQ- I recently got into the beta and used a premade 100, which was cool, but when I try to transfer over a character from live, it just sits there on "please wait, copy in progress." Any tricks to getting this to complete?

If you're trying to copy to the level 100 realm, it won't work. Copy to one of the leveling realms instead. Sometimes it may take more than one try to get it to function correctly, but it'll work.

Jason Williams asked:

Q4TQ...So I am relatively new to WoW, I start after Mists launched and I have a Shadow Priest and a Blood Death Knight, But I am getting bored with both toons. I am looking to roll another Alt but I would like to play a melee DPS. Any suggestions as to what would be a great class to play? And remember please I am still very new to this game. Any advice would be great thanks.

I don't want to seem ridiculously biased but rogues are pretty cool. (I am, in fact, ridiculously biased.) The specs are all a little different, but none of them are particularly difficult to pick up, and being able to sneak around in stealth is still one of the cooler fun things to do in the game.

Babikir asked:

Q4TQ: With Upper Blackrock Spire being released in a level 90 dungeon mode, pre WoD release, what will the ilvl be for gear drops from UBRS level 90?

Presumably yes, much like the gear that you could get from the special pre-Cataclysm elemental invasion events.

Andrew10 asked:

I've just started poking around beta, and early on, any mission from the garrison is going to be a win. I was wondering, what happens when you send out a full team, and they fail on the mission? Do they die? Do you lose anything? Can you redo the mission?

You can't redo the mission -- but it might pop back up in your rotation sometime. I've noticed that less important missions seem to just settle for no rewards being handed out. However, higher-level missions, like raids, can end up in a wipe. If this occurs, the followers you sent on that mission are placed in a kind of greyed-out stasis while they recuperate from their loss. You have to wait before you can use them again.

Andrew10 also asked:

Watching the WoD cinematic, and looking at Grom's lush, beautiful hair, why is Garrosh bald? Does he shave his head? Did he get his mother's genes?

Look, he's just been through a ridiculous amount of stress lately, okay?

Have questions about the World of Warcraft? The WoW Insider crew is here with The Queue, our daily Q&A column. Leave your questions in the comments, and we'll do our best to answer 'em!