
Breakfast Topic: It's kind of like the Expendables

I can't be the only one who looks at the ragtag band of lore characters Khadgar has running around Tanaan Jungle and thinks 'wow, it's like Azeroth's version of a action movie and I'm Jason Statham' can I? Because seriously that's the vibe I get.It's not that it's not fun or anything - I've done the Tanaan mission a lot and I'll do it this weekend for the stress test. But man, it's weird to feel so transparently blockbusterish about the whole thing.

Maybe it's a holdover from when I saw the parachute cinematic in Dragon Soul and thought we're Point Breaking onto Deathwing's back and it totally ripped me out of the moment. There's just something weird about so many lore figures in one place for me. Some of them, I'm cool with, but man I could do without any more Thrall for a while.

But there he is, big, green and beads around his neck. How about you? Are all these extra people around during a moment in game welcome to you, or does it feel crowded?