
The Queue: Spinosaurus was aquatic

Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today.

That's right, more dinosaurs. Why? Because I love dinosaurs, and also because we have news about Spinosaurus, one of the most famous predatory dinosaurs and also one of the largest predators. Specifically, a new skeletal reconstruction based on fossils found in Morocco in 2008. This is a big deal because before that, we didn't have much at all for Spinosaurus, since the original fossils were destroyed during World War II by Allied bombing. The idea that the Spinosaurus was aquatic isn't a new one - the shape of its teeth and molecular analysis of the fossils suggested a marine diet - but the skeletal reconstruction gives new, physical evidence to support the idea.

At up to twenty tons, Spinosaurus is definitely one of if not the largest predatory dinosaur ever, and it's suggested that it survived by hunting and eating sharks. With teeth like the ones it had (conical, for catching fish) it definitely specialized in fish eating. Fifteen meters long, twenty tons, this was a massive animal all told.

Jpec07 asks:
How likely is it that the in-game face re-customization feature will make it to live from beta?

I only ask because some forum posts have been met with skepticism.

Pretty likely, all told. Pretty darn likely. It's coded, it's in the beta, at this point taking it out is reversing a solid amount of work that served to include it. It's possible, but not very likely, that they would do that. Also, we have the following from Rygarius.

So I'd say that's pretty much a done deal. I'm 95% sure.

Nzete asks:
With the upcoming removal of Call to Arms, are they going to remove the "down votes" or are they just effectively removing AV and IoC? They are currently only available via direct queue (without conquest) or on Call to Arms (way too many evil hordies have them down voted for them to make the random spawn)

As of yet there's been no word on them removing the ability to avoid battlegrounds you don't want to play via the blacklist system. (Or if there has, I haven't heard it.)

Geekmeister42 asks:
So I'm curious. How much do we know about the MC revamp? 40 man LFR would suggest to me that they are going to make it pretty roflstompable, but I would be disappointed, as someone who was not around during Vanilla, if they revamped the mechanics. I understand a very low damage variable, but do you think they are changing the root mechanics of the fights?

We know nothing about how these fights will be redesigned for level 100. Nothing at all.

I don't get why you would be disappointed if they revamped the mechanics. You want them to not revamp the mechanics? I think it's impossible for them not to revamp the mechanics. But I have no information as to what those revamps will be.

Also, to answer ZacharyBrandon's question, we also don't know if the kills will reward Hydraxian Waterlords reputation in the level 100 MC.

Jingknight asks:
Q4tQ - Do you think blizz should start moving the realms to mega servers so people can experience wow more in the style of the MMO it should be? Or do you feel the realm mergers have provided enough of a solution?

Back when they started CRZ, people began wailing at the idea that they would have to share nodes and rare spawns in lower level zones with people from other servers. I think the idea of mega-servers would cause rioting in the streets and the gnashing of teeth.

BootyBayBrewing asks:
W/ Blizz trying to make the game simpler for new players, don't you think it is time to just let all races be all classes? I enjoy playing gnomes, but Hunter is my favorite class, cant run that option. I also like Goblin and playing a monk, but cant do that combo either. I just think that With the direction they seem to be going, I just think it is time. for this change as well.

So my question for the Queue today is, Do you think Blizz will ever let ALL races be able to play ALL classes.?

No, only the ultimate class can be all races. All other classes must accept that some races don't want to play them, or that lore wise, it makes zero sense for you to play them. I do think we could let worgen and goblins be monks now, though. I want my werewolf monk. But pandaren paladins or DK's, or gnome druids, it just raises too many questions.

Meestercat asks:
My Q4theQ is: Where the hell do I start?!

I've returned to WoW after a decent break (since midway through Cataclysm) and I'm just overwhelmed by all the things there are to do.

I need to get to 90 on at least a character, but then there are what seems like a million reps in MoP, I have 42 mounts and I'd love to get to 50 and my first drake, there are great handfuls of old dungeons and raids to attempt to Solo, transmogrification which I've not touched yet, Timeless Isle seems to be a place people say to visit, professions to level, Archaeology to complete, achievements, meta-achievements, battle-pets, Guild rep, cooking, clearing out my bank.. *deep breath* *panting*

There is too much to do!

My suggestion is as soon as you get to 90, go out to the Timeless Isle and using this map, loot every chest you can. Avoid combat as much as possible, as you will likely die on a fresh, undergeared 90. Once you've gotten 496 gear for just about every slot, you can start actually doing the various quests and grinding rep and such, but hit all the chests you can first.

Next up, figure out what you're most interested in. You listed a lot of stuff, but didn't prioritize it - are you more interested in mounts, battle-pets, achievements, etc etc? What do you want to do? Answer that question and the rest follows easily enough. I'll say this, though - you can get exalted with the Lorewalkers in an hour or so, and get a cloud mount, so if you want mounts it's an extremely efficient use of your time.

And that's The Queue for Friday. I'll see you all next week.

Have questions about the World of Warcraft? The WoW Insider crew is here with The Queue, our daily Q&A column. Leave your questions in the comments, and we'll do our best to answer 'em!