
Around Azeroth: And you can send me dead pandas every morning

"I saw the picture submitted by Shadanah of Hyjal (US-H) today, and it immediately reminded me of a similar incident that occurred the other day," writes submitter Udaenor of The Expandables on Thunderlord (US-H). "I too was on my farm in Halfhill innocently going about my daily chores when I discovered a pandaren named Farmer Erryei of Destromath (US-H) lying in my field. As any concerned undead rogue would do when faced with a lone undefended individual of the same faction, I reached down to check for a pulse -- perhaps also for a bit of a taste, but I digress. I became concerned when I discovered that the pandaren had no pulse. I decided it was best to quickly 'dispose' of the body, as I had a questionable reputation with the local Halfhill constabulary. I had nothing to do with this body, guards. Really."

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