
The Queue: A great many words

Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today.

So I missed the seventh anniversary of The Care and Feeding of Warriors, which makes sense, because I don't get to write it any more. It's strange because for the longest time, it was the lynchpin of my week here at WoW Insider - every Thursday night (like tonight, as I write this) I would sit down and I would think to myself 'Okay, what next? What are we going to talk about next?' and then I would do it. In a way the Friday Queue has taken that role, but it's not the same - as maddening as it could be to try and come up with another 1k words about warriors week in, week out, it was also something I really loved doing and it's something I dearly miss. Still, I'm grateful y'all let me take a whack at your questions week in, week out.

I have nothing negative to say about paladins. They do their thing, I do mine. Live and let live, you know?

Anyway, here is a Queue for you. Let's talk about World of Warcraft. Maybe there will be some warrior questions. I would like that. (Yes, I know they discovered a new species of Ankylosaur this week.)

Krhe asks:
Q4TQ: I'm not sure if this has ever been asked or answered but once we replace our Legendary cloaks in WoD will we ever to be able to xmog our new cloak to have the same visual effects as our Legendary?

I can't say never but as of this morning (1 am eastern) the answer on the beta was a resounding no. You can't mog to legendaries and you can't mog special spell effects from one item onto another. So even if you could mog your legendary cloak appearance over your new cloak, it wouldn't duplicate the special effect of the cloak.

BaronOfTheLake asks:
Are Wrath babies of age yet? Or are we still wide eyed and innocent?

Wrath came out in 2008, so you're six. Six years olds are still pretty innocent, but they can get up to a lot of mischief if they're not carefully watched. Up to you if you think that suits you.

Gendou asks:
Do you think Glad Stance would do better as a lower-level talent? I'm leveling solo as prot, and find myself wishing for it.

Honestly, when I've leveled a warrior as prot (last time about four months ago) I didn't feel like I needed Gladiator's Resolve at all. If anything low level prot warriors do ridiculous damage until about level 60, at least that's how it seemed to me. But I was in full heirlooms, so it's possible it would feel less like cheat mode if I didn't have those.

Khai'xur asks:
My past few times on the beta, dozens of people are saying flying is coming around 6.2 - has there been any dev talk to that?

I have not heard anything like that. Hopefully the commenters will step in with a link to someone saying that if I'm misinformed.

gazaa07 asks:
why was Rossi's Breakfast Topic column deleted (if you could design one new feature)? there was room for two

Mistakes happen. As you can see if you look at the top of the page it was used today, no harm, no foul. I just plain scheduled two posts for the same slot, it's my bad.

chrth asks:
Q4TQ: What's the minimum number of characters you feel like you "need" going into WoD?

I have five warriors and a DK I'm planning to get to 100. Maybe my shaman and druid, too.

draknfyre posted a thing I remembered from when it happened and man, I guess I'm old, because I found the idea awful then and I find it awful now. I frankly hope it's just a hoax/urban legend.

ChaosInHyrule asks:
Am I too late? For the undelete character function, does this apply for characters we've deleted years ago?

It says that you can undelete a character above level 50 (55 for DK's) at any time, but I don't know if it's retroactive.

BenjaminSeeburger asks:
Question for the Queue:

If you are playing in the beta, what zone is your favorite and least favorite leveling zone (in Draenor), and why? By that, I don't mean the art, but the quality of fun in regards to the questing, mobility in the zone, types of encountered mobs, and challenge. Unless of course, the art is really the common denominator that colors your like or dislike.

Both Shadowmoon Valley and Frostfire Ridge have well designed questing experiences, good storylines and are fun to run through, but I'm all about the draenei this expansion - I mean, I find orcs just boring. Straight up, you're boring, orcs. Nothing personal, I'm just really tired of orc storylines.

So for me it's Shadowmoon Valley all the way. Draenei lore ahoy.

After that, I really think each zone has something special, but if I had to pick one zone it'd be Talador. It looks awesome, it's got tons of draenei lore (I wasn't kidding about that) and man, the revelations in that zone are intense.

And that's my Queue for the week. Wasn't as warrior heavy as I'd hoped, oh well.

Have questions about the World of Warcraft? The WoW Insider crew is here with The Queue, our daily Q&A column. Leave your questions in the comments, and we'll do our best to answer 'em!