
Q&A Time with: Bucky Sinister

Bucky Sinister is an author, poet, actor and comedian. He has published four books of poetry, two self-help books and appeared in Willow Creek, a film directed by Bobcat Goldthwait. His latest work, Black Hole, is available on Amazon and bookstores. Keep up with him, and the Black Hole book tour, on Twitter at @bucky_sinister .

1. What's the best tech advice you've ever received?
Don't ever type "rm-r" and hit enter.

2. What is your worst tech habit?
My stuff gets dirty. Dust and grime are not friends of tech.

3. What app(s) can you not live without?
Maps. Imdb. 2048 keeps me sane on crowded trains.

Editor's Note: I am now reprehensibly addicted to this game.

4. Are you sporting a wearable right now? If so, what is it?
I have an iPod Nano hanging off a belt loop. Does that count?

5. If you could have any superpower what would it be?

6. What is your #1 tech pet peeve?
iTunes updates that change the navigation and how I use it.

7. What is your go-to karaoke song?
Turn the Page by Bob Seger.

8. Who would play you in your biopic?
Ricky Schroder.

9. Who is your favorite villain?
Snidely Whiplash. It's a lot of the inspiration for my pseudonym.

10. If you could create an emoji not yet in existence, what would it be?
Devil horns. Seriously, why does this not exist? Am I a dummy and can't find it?

11. Tell us a joke
Knock knock. Who's there? Dewayne. Dewayne who? De-wayne the bathtub, I'm de-wowning.

12. How do you disconnect?
Russian kettlebell sport.

13. What is your favorite GIF?
Chunky. Seriously though, don't have one.

Searching for "chunky" GIFs brings this up. We don't know why either.

14. What was the last thing you Googled?
Now Wait For Last Year, the PKD [Philip K. Dick] book.

15. If you were a cocktail, what kind of cocktail would you be? And why?
A pint of cheap bourbon poured into a giant Coke at a movie theater.

16. Show us the last photo you took on your phone?

This dog's name is Pickle Donut and that might be the greatest thing ever.

17. What device(s) are you currently lusting after?
None. I have them. I need a phone and a laptop. I'm a simple man.

18. What aspect of your life remains analog?
I use metal ice cube trays that are at least 50 years old. That's the last time ice tech worked well.

19. What is your biggest tech time suck (website/app/game/et al)?
LinkedIn and OKCupid. I need a job and a date.

20. Share your favorite tech tip or trick.
Keep your phone until it's absolutely unusable, then get a new one. I think most people buy twice as many gadgets in their lifetime as they need.

21. What reality show would you like to see created?
One that follows Fairuza Balk around. I would seriously watch her just go to the grocery store or shop for candles at the Wiccan Costco. You know she goes there.

Yeah, we'd watch that too.

22. Finish this sentence: I would absolutely take a class that taught me how to _
Cook. I know these exist. I could use them. I can't fit one more damn thing in my life though.

23. What is the last book you read?
Sean Doyle's This Must Be The Place.