
Fitbit-owned app creates customized exercises on Android devices

A couple of years before it was acquired by Fitbit in 2015, FitStar released an app starring NFL star Tony Gonzalez that can create customized workouts based on your goals and fitness level. Now, that app has arrived on Google Play. It's officially called "FitStar Personal Trainer," because it's close to having a personal trainer: it digs into its stock video collection to stitch exercise routines together for you. Of course, you'll need to be honest when keying in your details if you want the app to be able to craft the most effective sessions with the right moves and intensity.

FitStar tracks your weekly progress, including each workout's details, calories burned and total time. You can also link it to calorie trackers like MyFitnessPal and sync it with a Fitbit account to track your overall progress more closely. You will have to pony up $7.99 per month if you want access to unlimited personalized sessions, but you can always take advantage of the two customized routines per week and the handful of Freestyle exercises (e.g. "10-Minute Abs") the service offers for free.