
TalkTalk offers all customers a free upgrade to stop them leaving

After totting up the final number of customers involved in its October cyberattack, TalkTalk has begun laying out what it will do for those affected and how it expects to recover. In a trading update today, the company said it expects damages to cost between £30 million and £35 million as it copes with a "loss of online sales and service capability" following the October 21st hack. With four arrests in the bag and systems now back online, TalkTalk also said it will offer "free upgrades" to all customers, whether they've been affected by the hack or not.

On its dedicated upgrade page, the company lists four options: there's free TV content, which includes movies, kids entertainment and sport; a mobile SIM, with a monthly allowance of free texts, data and calls; Unlimited UK landline and mobile calls and a broadband health check from TalkTalk engineers. Whatever their choice, the package will be bolted on to customers' existing services without extending the current contract.

After confirming the third attack on its systems in a year, TalkTalk's free upgrades serve as a way to retain customers who may be looking to jump ship. TalkTalk doesn't list the allowances on either the free TV content or mobile SIM, but says customers will be able to select their upgrade between December 1st and December 31st via a "simple, straightforward process."

[Image Credit: Getty Images]