
Netflix just finished moving all of its data over to Amazon

Netflix closes down its last homegrown data center, making it totally reliant upon its rival.


The closure of Netflix's last data center might not be news, but who's picking up the slack on the outside might be. The firm has revealed that it's now moved its entire online business to Amazon Web Services, the retailer's cloud computing division. In a blog post, Netflix VP Yury Izrailevsky reveals that Netflix began closing its homegrown data centers back in 2008 after a server issue brought the (then) DVD-rental business to its knees for three days. Since then, it's been slowly moving over to Amazon's world-renowned servers which offer far more power, scale and reliability.

By this point, you're probably shouting at your screen wondering when we're going to mention the elephant in the room. Amazon, of course, owns AWS, but also has its own competing video streaming service that's trying to beat Netflix into the dust. First up, Netflix's success is Amazon's as well, with the former encouraging people to ditch cable, which Amazon can piggy-back onto into people's homes. Secondly, the company must be making some serious bank from Netflix's vast user base, so it's win-win for Jeff Bezos.

It's not as if we haven't seen co-operation like this from other tech companies, either, with Samsung both a rival to Apple and also one of its key supply partners. Same goes for Samsung's relationship with Qualcomm, since both are competing chip manufacturers, but the former also helps the latter build its hardware. Then there's Sony, which sells its smartphone image sensors to plenty of other businesses in the smartphone pantheon. Yeah, folks, co-operation and loving thy neighbor is all the rage, and long may peace and love reign throughout the world.