
​5 of The Best Robotic Vacuums On The Market Today

Robotic Vacuum cleaners have come on in leaps and bounds in recent times, becoming much smarter and much better at cleaning the home without aid. So, here are five of the best ones on the market at the moment.

iRobot Roomba 980

The iRobot Roomba 980 is one of the best robotic vacuums available today. It offers remarkable performance and all of the latest and best features. This new addition to the iRobot Roomba line of products provides more features than any other model in the lineup. A few of the newest features include the iRobot HOME app which allows you to clean your home and schedule future cleanings through your smartphone. This latest Roomba also includes the iAdapt 2.0 Navigation that guides the Roomba throughout your home using its Visual Localization system.

The iRobot Roomba 650 You Need If You Have Pets

Are you tired of continually cleaning up after your pet? The iRobot Roomba 650 can help you keep your home clean whether you have one pet or a house full. The iRobot Roomba 650 uses a very powerful cleaning system that has three stages. The stages work together to pick up large amounts of dirt, pet hair and all the other debris that comes from owning a furry friend.

The iRobot Roomba 650 features Dirt Detect technology which finds the dirtiest areas and then programs the iRobot to spend more time cleaning this particular area. There is also a virtual wall setting which steers the Roomba 650 away from walls and other obstacles and toward the areas you want to be cleaned. This iRobot can also be programmed to perform up to seven cleaning sessions per week. This is a nice feature if you work outside the home or travel frequently and someday may mean the end of the need for maid service, but not just yet.

The Wi-Fi Enabled Neato Botvac Robot Vacuum

This new robotic vacuum from Neato is the first Wi-Fi capable robotic vacuum from this company. This latest offering from Neato has a user-friendly app that helps you schedule your house cleanings and works even if you are not at home. Just download it to your smartphone. This same technology also sends you alerts if there is an issue with the vacuum or some type of problem with the cleaning schedule. One of the other benefits of this robot vacuum is that it contains the same D-shape design of all the other Neatos. This design allows the vacuum to get into corners and run along the walls. The vacuum also contains a lithium ion battery with an extended life and features both turbo and eco modes.

The Pet and Allergy iRobot 870 Robot Vacuum

This robotic vacuum is a good option for any type of family, even those with pets. It is cost effective and still does a great job. This model may not contain all the latest features of the higher cost robotic vacuums, but it does feature a three-state cleaning system and an HEPA-style filter. This vacuum also comes with efficient multi-room navigation, as well as tangle-free debris extractors. When this robotic vacuum cleaner's battery is running low, the vacuum automatically returns to its charging station. It also allows you to remotely schedule cleanings when you are not at home.

The CleanMate QQ6 Robotic Vacuum From Infinuvo

This is a budget-friendly option in robotic vacuums and even comes with a HEPA filter. It does an excellent job, but will not break the bank. This vacuum does an outstanding job on hard floors such as linoleum, wood, and tile. As the latest model from CleanMate, this robot vacuum offers a UV lamp, powerful suction, multiple present cleaning patterns, and touch screen control. It even has features normally only found on more expensive robotic vacuums. These include dirt and cliff sensors and a large dustbin. The vacuum is equipped with a large dustbin.

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