
Meet the CEO of the company changing legal discovery

Logikcull is not new to the discovery game. Having had a successful discovery business (simply called Logik) since 2004, the crew was no stranger to discovery and helped in the service of file and data organization for companies and legal firms. Fast forward a bit, and the company has pivoted to a SaaS platform that is using the cloud to offer unique discovery solutions that they have been fine-tuning since 2004.

It can be a confusing subject, so we've pinged Andy Wilson of Logikcull with some questions to shed some light on his company and the importance of legal tech and discovery. Check it out below!

Hey Andy, care to introduce yourself and your role at Logikcull?
I'm the CEO and co-founder of

What is Logikcull?
Logikcull is a cloud-based legal intelligence platform that automates the process of discovery and data management for compliance, litigations, investigations, and open records requests (i.e. FOIA). We help businesses, law firms, governments, and non-profits of all sizes reduce the time and cost associated with these types of data-intensive projects from weeks to hours and from millions of dollars to thousands.

Andy Wilson, far right

What inspired the creation of Logikcull?
Sifting through emails, office docs, zip files, PDFs, etc. for litigations, investigations, and open records requests is ridiculously complicated and expensive. It's still common for legal teams to print emails to paper. It's still common to look at every single document just to "make sure" it's not relevant. This is a horribly inefficient process which can take weeks, months, and even years to complete.

It also delays access to justice and costs our country billions in waste every year. We wanted to fix this problem and democratize the process by creating technology that is accessible, user-friendly, transparent, and affordable.

Your website states that it's time to put an end to "eDiscovery," care to elaborate?
Imagine you just got sued. Let's assume it's a patent troll that's suing you. The troll pursues discovery (aka eDiscovery) and your lawyer tells you that she'll need literally all of the data in your possession so her firm can search and review the data before handing it over to the troll. But, and here's the kicker, you won't know how long this process will take or how much it will cost. It could take a week and cost a few thousand dollars. Or it could take months and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. You don't know. This terrible process is what's known as eDiscovery. And we can, and should, do a whole lot better.

Why should the general public care about legal tech?
Almost daily now there's an email leak. Hillary's emails. The DNC emails. Maybe even Trump's emails will get leaked. That would be YUGE! And just like your own inbox, email dumps contain A LOT of junk data. This is where legal tech comes in. Legal tech like Logikcullhelps people quickly and easily sift through these email dumps. It also helps to surface information that could've easily been missed.

So, why is legal tech important? Ask your next president. Maybe more importantly, discovery, believe it or not, is one of the de facto methods of dispute resolution in US courts today. Should it be the case that, in order to get a fair shake, you have to be able to afford eDiscovery? That doesn't seem right to me. And again, that's why we created Logikcull.

What does the future hold for Logikcull?
We are going to continue to solve the massive inefficiencies and growing challenges (for instance, information in the cloud creates a million new problems for legal search) in the legal market with powerfully simple technology. And if we continue to work hard, and we're lucky enough, we may go public one day.

We'd like to thank Andy for taking the time to answer some of our questions, if you'd like to find out more about Logikcull, make sure to check out their website.