Bose Hearphones make it easy to talk in noisy places
They can amplify sounds you want to hear and reduce sounds you don't.
Bose's new earbuds don't block the outside world while you rock out to your favorite tunes. Instead, they give you the ability to focus on specific sounds, such as the voice of the person you're talking to, and tune out what you consider ambient noise. The audio equipment maker has launched a website for the "Hearphones," a pair of earbuds with directional microphones that gives you way to both amplify and reduce real world sounds. Say, you're in a bar with a band playing on stage -- you can adjust the Hearphones to focus on what your date is saying and to keep the music in the background.
As noticed by some users on Hacker News and on Reddit a couple of weeks ago, the Hearphones look like Bose's QuietControl 30 with the capabilities of Doppler Labs' Here One earbuds. The Here One buds can also block ambient noise by using the smart active listening tech their creator developed. They'll cost you $299 when they drop in February 2017. Unfortunately, Bose hasn't revealed how much the Hearphones will be sold for and when they'll be available. The company uploaded the pair's accompanying iOS app on iTunes last month, though, and even submitted a user manual to the FCC. You can at least read up on how they work while waiting for their official pricing.