
The Public Access Weekly: Renegades, rebels and rogues

Howdy! This post marks our twelfth Public Access Weekly article, and it's just occurred to me that it's been nearly a whole year since we first launched Public Access with tales about your first screen names, ISP haikus and growing up geek stories. Don't worry, I'm not getting all nostalgic on you... yet. But as we get closer to our June 1st anniversary, I will be planning some special posts and assignments so if you have suggestions on how we should celebrate, leave 'em in the comments!

Now, down to business: I've mentioned this before, but it bears repeating that Public Access is not an enterprise/B2B/marketing/SEO page and those are not the kinds of articles we are looking for. As we forge ahead with some of our Big Master Plans for Public Access, I'll be increasingly cracking down on this so make sure you familiarize yourself with our Community Guidelines.

If you've published a post that doesn't concern technology in any way, that is focused on business or enterprise needs, or that exists to push SEO keywords, your post will be pulled and you'll get an email explaining why. If you put SEO links in your article, I will pull them with zero warning. Honestly, I don't like to police the posts and articles that appear on Public Access, and we try to be exceedingly flexible about what counts as "tech related post" so please respect the community.

Also while I know a lot of you were not a fan of our comment break, I will say this: The feedback has been truly and sincerely invaluable and since we've reinstated them, we've noticed an improvement in the quality of the comments. So thank you to everyone who took the time to express your thoughts and suggestions -- I read every email, and every Tweet and Facebook comment -- and thank you to everyone who is making an effort to respect your other commenters. Also, if you've emailed me applying to be a moderator, I will have news for you soon so keep an eye out for an email from me.

Looking for something to read? Check out:

Last week Devindra posted his Oculus Rift review; this week HTC's Vive is up! (Those of you who were asking for a side-by-side comparison will dig on this piece too.)

Google recently announced that those who own Revolv smart home hubs should maybe start looking into other options... Since they'll be bricking the devices starting next month.

Tesla, Tesla, Telsa! Yeah, it was a pretty big week for the EV manufacturer: the company fielded a flood of pre-orders for the Model3 and our own Roberto Baldwin got a chance to take a spin in one.

Looking for something to write about? Mull over:

eSports has been a pretty big topic this week with the UK looking to make an international tournament for the category, Twitch creating a new league and a new recap show in the works. Are esports really a 'sport'? Do they deserve an Olympic-style event or a SportsCenter-style show? Or will this all just blow over in a matter of months?

Tomorrow is a geek holiday -- Internet of Things Day! I was excited to find out about this holiday, as it gives me a new day to add to the Complete Guide to Geek Holidays. Share how you're celebrating, cover an IoT Day event, or write about your favorite IoT device.

Quantum Break is Xbox One's biggest console exclusive.... Or is it? Many commenters in this story are debating about whether or not "console exclusive" does or does not cover PCs which is becoming a pretty interesting conversation in its own right. But back to the game: Is Quantum Break really a reason to buy an Xbox One (as our article headline claims)? Is any game good enough to buy a console? If so, which one? And hey, while we're on the subject, go for it: Tell us what you think "console exclusive" means to you, or should mean with reference to games such as this.