
Facebook pushes users to download its Moments app

It's phasing out synced albums and will be purging users' who don't install the app.

Facebook is urging people to download yet another one of its apps after shoving users towards Messenger. This time, the social network has begun sending out warnings that their synced photos will be deleted by July 7th if they don't install the Moments app. Facebook gave users the capability to auto-sync their photos on mobile with a private album within its app back in 2012. Three years later, it introduced the standalone Moments app for iOS and Android to house those photos, but it clearly decided to wait a while before phasing the old feature out completely.

According to TechCrunch, users can see more info within the private album that will be affected by the move if they haven't received an email and a notification yet. If they switched Synced photos on by accident and would like to get rid of the feature, though, then they can take it easy. Just let the deadline pass, and Facebook will do the heavy lifting.