
5 Essential Technologies For The Modern Traveler

As a species, we humans are an inquisitive bunch. Our desire to discover and experience new things has been the propellant of our civilization. And one particular activity has been fueling this desire for hundreds, or even thousands of years. Well, of course I'm talking about travel!

Travelling is fun. No wonder more than a billion people partake in it every year. And even when the primary goals of these travels are not recreational, there's still something about the idea of being in a new place that gets us pumped. To get away from the mundane routine of our daily lives, that's something all of us enjoy. But recreational travelers take it a step further. They travel to a whole new place with the only goal being to discover some new experience. If that's not living, I don't know what is.

Now there are some who claim that traveling with technology can diminish the whole experience of the travel. And if you're in the habit carrying too much technology with you, this is something of a good advice. But that doesn't mean you should join the likes of these pretentious wannabe-travelers-of-yesteryear, and travel with ten kilos of hardcover books, and not even a point-and-shoot camera in your backpack.

I believe that technology is something that, if used in the right way and amount, can actually elevate the experience of travel. Do it right and you might actually attain a whole new level of awe that would have otherwise been unattainable.

So without further ado, here is a list of 5 essential technologies for the modern traveler.

1) Travel Apps :

Let's face it, web and mobile apps have become a huge part of our lives. We already use them for almost everything from keeping in touch with our family and friends, and managing our daily routine and tasks. So why should travel be an exception? There are all sorts of travel apps available that can make travel less expensive, more convenient, and pleasurable in general.There are virtually thousands of apps you can choose from, each catered to your specific needs.

Think of all the things that could run through your mind when you're planning a vacation. Want to find your next travel destination? Want to find cheap flights? Want to find cheap hotels? Want to travel with your pets? Anything you could possibly want, they've got you covered. Most of these apps are available in multiple platforms, meaning you could either use them from the browser in your computer or you could install them on your smartphones.

So what I want to ask you is, wouldn't you rather enjoy the actual experience of the travel than get caught in making all of these sub-travel arrangements? I mean you could actually save money while saving time. Sound like a bargain yet?

2) Mobile Phones :

By mobile phones, of course I mean smartphones. (It's 2016!). The modern mobile phone is more than just a phone. It's a flash light, a camera, a music player, an a lot more. And they support most of the travel apps I mentioned above. So yes, of course it is one of the most essential piece of technology to carry with you in any trip.

It is human nature to want to keep in touch while we're away and that's one the primary usage of a mobile phone. Most places in the world, including many remote places, are now connected to mobile networks. So god forbid, some catastrophe strikes you, or maybe you get home sick, you would want to be able to call home.

Another major purpose of mobile phones, for me personally, is for music. Music is a big part of our life. We spend countless hours listening to music of our liking throughout our lives. And if you've got the right playlist packed into your mobile phone, the music could truly elevate your experience. And later in your life you will be able to relate that music to the experience. Pure Magic!

Other than this, mobile phones today pack a pretty solid camera that can take some pretty decent photos. Also you could choose from millions of different applications that you can then carry with you during your trip. A true technological marvel.

3) Camera :

This one is pretty obvious. You would want to capture the moments from your travel so you can relive them later. And there's no excuse for not doing so, because chances are you won't be coming back there soon, or most likely ever again.

Today's smartphone cameras are pretty great, and shouldn't be as frowned upon as people tend to do. They are capable of taking care of pretty much all of your photography needs. And if you're a bit too enthusiastic about photography, I recommend carrying a mirror-less camera.

Mirror-less cameras are the future of photography. Of course, currently DSLRs are the de facto kings of professional photography but the last few years has seen the emergence of these whole new breed of cameras that are capable of taking photos that are just as good, but are only a fraction of the size of DSLRs. The reason for their smaller size is due to the lack of the mirror-prism setup that DSLRs use to take light from the sensor to the viewfinder. Mirror-less cameras use electronic viewfinders, meaning the light does not need to pass through a mirror-prism combination to get to the viewfinder, making them smaller.

4) E-Book Reader :

For many people, travelers particularly, reading is a huge part of life. Like music they can help elevate the experience of the travel. I've personally noticed that reading some piece of literature while travelling can have a more profound impact on me than reading it at home. Which is why I always travel with a healthy quantity of books. And hurrah for modern technology, we can actually travel around with a whole library of books to choose from.

Now of course, like music, we could use our mobile phones as e-book readers. There are many apps that make this possible. But having the keep display on for reading will consume a lot of battery, not a convenient option while traveling, specially since you'll be using your phone for so much more. E-book readers can be a great alternative.

An e-book readers like the Amazon Kindle, can be a great travel companion. Not only do they provide a great reading experience, but they have great battery life compared to that of cell-phones. And you could carry thousands of books, probably enough to last you your entire life, around with you. These readers are light-weight and relatively inexpensive. So carry one with you the next time you're travelling!

5) Power Banks and Solar Chargers:

Okay. So you've got the right combination of technology to carry with you in your back pack, just sufficient to make your travel experience amazing. But alas, the curse of all technology -- the power runs out. Even your Kindle with its long battery life, eventually pops up that message that it's battery is running low. And if there are no outlets nearby, you're going right back to the dark ages.

Thank goodness for Power Banks and Solar Charger! If you're traveling to some place where you expect to have electricity, a tiny Power Bank will probably be enough to charge you mobile phone, your camera and your e-book reader, on the go. But if you're going to a place that has no electricity, a portable solar charger, will be your best friend. You could strap the panel to your backpack during the day, and as long as the sun doesn't burn out, you're settled for power.

And w​​ith these last items, the list of essential technologies for travel is complete. These items will barely take up a fraction of the space in your backpack, but they will make your travel experience a whole lot better.