
'Gravity Rush 2' won't get a holiday release after all

Its planned premium DLC will be available for free to make up for the wait.

A bunch of PS4 exclusives were supposed to drop this year, but almost all of them had been delayed. The latest casualty? Gravity Rush 2. The sequel to one of the key launch titles for the PS Vita was supposed to come out on December 2nd, a few days before the long-awaited release of The Last Guardian. Unfortunately, it's been pushed back to January 20, 2017. The game's director, Keiichiro Toyama, has explained on the PlayStation blog that while production has been going smoothly, the "landscape for that release date has changed dramatically."

He didn't exactly elaborate on what he meant, but it sounds like his team decided that GR2 would have a better chance early next year instead of following all the titles released this fall and joining everything else coming out this holiday season. Toyama, who also worked on the Silent Hill series, said that they put a lot of effort into its online features, and they want to see as many people as possible playing online at the same time.

The good news is that the team will make up for the delay by giving people free access to the premium DLC they were planning to sell. But those hoping that they'll be rewarded with a Vita version for their two-month wait will probably be sorely disappointed. Toyama didn't mention anything about Sony's forgotten handheld, and the game will likely continue being a PS4 exclusive.