
Google really wants you to see what ARCore can do

The much-hyped Apple event tomorrow probably has nothing to do with it.

We've covered how ARCore is Google's answer to Apple's ARKit, designed to bring augmented reality to Android phones in a relatively simple way. Now, Google's Daydream Labs is making a case for the product by showcasing what exactly ARCore can do (and, likely not coincidentally, just one day before Apple is set to unveil its new iPhones.)

You can use AR with street view to put yourself in the middle of the action at the front of the British Museum in London. People undergoing renovations of a home, office, or another building can use AR to see what the finished product will look like. You can even use it to figure out how to work an espresso machine to get a perfect drink every time.

Google's been tweaking their AR tech quite a bit to provide as many different features and experiences for users. For example, users can desaturate and decolorize what is actually in front of you in order to draw focus to the AR parts of the experience. They've also been playing around with Google's VPS (Virtual Positioning Service) that allows you to take AR one step further, into the wider world.

If you're interested in seeing more of what people can do with ARCore, you can visit Google's website This Is ARCore, where they've highlight some of the most interesting and fun uses. My personal favorite? The guy who sends a virtual fire-breathing dragon to run after his poor sister.