
Google Maps shows your speed while you're driving

You'll know if you're breaking the speed limit without looking at a sign.

Google isn't just counting on speed limits in Maps to encourage safe driving -- it's now showing your actual speed. Android Police has learned that Google Maps is rolling out an optional speedometer that kicks in while you're using driving navigation. It displays next to the current speed limit and changes color if you flaunt the law. Much like a similar Waze feature, you won't have to wonder if you're going too fast.

The feature isn't broadly available at this point, but those who do have it come from numerous countries around the world, including the US, UK and Canada. The bigger issue is the lack of Android Auto support -- you'll have to mount your phone and use either Maps or the Android Auto app to see it. If you can live with that, though, this could be helpful for staying on the good side of the police and improving your driving habits.