
Twelve years later, how do you feel about the first Kindle?

Take a look back at what the Amazon e-reader did right (or wrong) with a user review.

This past Tuesday marked the 12-year anniversary of the first Amazon Kindle, which was praised at the time as an evolutionary step forward for e-readers thanks to its high-contrast screen, SD slot and built-in 3G or WiFi. However, now it just seems clunky and cluttered in comparison to this year's minimalist, streamlined version.

With a weight of 10.3 ounces and a height of 7.5 inches, the original Kindle was a beast compared to the 6.1 ounces and 6.3 inches of this year's model. But there was still plenty to adore about the first-generation Amazon e-reader -- if you loved yours, we want to hear why in a user review. Tell us all the details about your experiences with the first Kindle, what worked, what was disappointing and how you feel about it compared to more modern e-readers. Remember, your retro review could be included in an upcoming user review roundup so don't leave anything out!

Note: As usual, comments are off for this post. Please contribute your thoughts and opinions on our Amazon Kindle 1st-gen product page!