
Google Podcasts app comes to iOS as part of a larger redesign

The discovery-focused refresh is also rolling out to Android and the web.

It turns out that an updated Android app was just the start of Google's plans for a Podcasts overhaul. The internet giant has released its first version of Podcasts for iOS, giving you a way to listen to the likes of Dolly Parton's America or The Engadget Podcast (you knew we'd plug it) that syncs with virtually any device where your Google account works. This new app is also a showcase for a larger redesign (including on Android and the web) meant to not only help you find new shows, but satisfy your curiosity about subjects mentioned in those shows.

The revamped layout is divided into Home, Explore and Activity sections. Home (pictured at center) gives you quick access to your subscribed shows. When you pick an episode, you'll now see people and subjects referenced in that podcast, and tapping those will take you to a Google search to learn more. The Explore tab (left) helps you find shows both based on categories, popularity and personal recommendations. Activity, meanwhile, displays your listening history, queue and automatic downloads.

You can use the iOS and web versions today. The refreshed Android app is still rolling out and should reach all users this week. Google Podcasts may be a tougher sell on iOS when you already have a built-in podcast app (not to mention popular alternatives like Overcast), but it could scratch the itch if you regularly use multiple platforms and want to be sure your episodes are always available.

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