C.K. Sample, III

C.K. Sample, III

<img vspace="4" hspace="4" align="right" src="http://www.tuaw.com/images/2005/08/closeupme.png" alt="C.K. Sample"/>C.K. Sample, III is practicing to be an expert juggler. Besides blogging for <a href="http://www.tuaw.com">TUAW</a>, here’s a short list of other life bits he’s frantically attempting to keep in the air: a full-time job in Instructional Technology, a dissertation in English, writing and publishing literary criticism, writing and publishing tech articles, a driving need to create art (recently completed a pen and ink of Samuel Beckett and an oil portrait of Johnny Cash), and, of course, his personal blog, <a href="http://www.sampletheweb.com">Sample the Web</a>. He also blogs for <a href="http://www.cinematical.com">Cinematical</a>, <a href="http://www.wowinsider.com">WOW Insider</a>, <a href="http://www.pspfanboy.com">PSP Fanboy</a>, and <a href="http://www.tvsquad.com">TV Squad</a>. He enjoys spending obscene amounts of time in front of the television and the computer, simultaneously if possible, and spending time with his wonderful wife, Kristin, and his pet Eclectus parrot, Mikhail “Misha” Baryshnakov.

Articles By C.K. Sample, III