
Facebook's redesigned VR avatars look more like you

They're less cartoonish and more customizable.

The avatars in Facebook's social VR environment, Spaces, could use some work: they have a flat, cartoonish look, and you'll be hard-pressed to find one that really reflects your look. Accordingly, Facebook is giving these avatars a makeover. The new designs are much more three-dimensional (they're somewhat reminiscent of The Sims) with more realistic lighting and materials, and they now offer "hundreds" of additional customizations. You can finally adjust your body type, for starters. You'll also find new head shapes, hair styles and facial features, and you can fine-tune these features in an editor.

The avatars should have more "lifelike" motion, too.

These personas should reach Spaces sometime this week. They're probably not going to reel you into Spaces if you weren't already interested in the concept, but they might help if you were mostly put off by the surreal look or lack of representation. VR is about immersion, after all, and even a slight boost in realism could make Spaces more enticing.

The progression of Facebook's Spaces avatars